According to figures released by the ministry of labour the number of unemployed Spaniards fell by aproximately 59.000 between November and December 2012 to 4,8 million. In Málaga province the number of unemployed fell by 3.150 people.
December is usually a strong month for the Spanish jobs market, as retailers, bars, restaurants and other service providers bolster their staff ahead of the Christmas season. Still, the employment figure in December is pretty good as the drop in the number registered unemployed was the largest on record.
At present, Málaga province has 210.872 unemployed. The figure is better than December 2011, when unemployment rose by 195 people despite the Christmas season.
These news are very positive for Málaga province, but we must be cautious and see how the employment data evolves during 2013 to confirm that there is a turnaround in Spain unemployment figures.
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